Frequently Asked Questions
If you need any assistance contacting your Customer Care Representative, please contact the Customer Care at (949) 660-
8988, Monday – Friday 9am-5pm.

- The main shut-off valve is located next to your meter on the inlet pipe
- Direct it so that it runs crosswise on the pipe. The line is now closed.
- Call your Gas Company and report the leak
- If the leak is at a sink, toilet, washing machine, water heater or other location with a secondary shut-off valve for that specific location, and the leak is occurring at a point past the shut-off valve, turn the handle or valve to the right (clockwise) to tighten and shut off the flow
- If that does not work, please try the secondary water shut-off located inside the garage.
- If the foregoing procedure does not work, use the same procedure at the primary shut-off valve (usually located at the front of the house or where the water service box enters the home)
- Check with your neighbors or the local water utility to confirm the service has not been shut down in your area

For manual operation emergency release. Pull the cord below when the door is in the closed position to release door from the opener.
DO NOT place hands or fingers in between garage door panels when manually operating door!
Use the handle on the back of the door when manually operating door.

If you find yourself with no heat or air conditioning, the checklist that follows may help identify the cause. You should also review the manufacturers’ literature, see sample below for additional hints.
- Check the circuit breaker or fuse that’s connected to your heating or cooling system and turn it on if it’s switched off.
- Make sure the power switch at the heating or cooling system is on.
- Make sure the furnace door is closed securely
- Touch Mode on the thermostat home screen and set the system to Heat. Make sure the temperature set point (the smaller of the two numbers) is higher than the indoor temperature (the large number in the center of the screen).
- Touch Mode on the thermostat home screen and set the system to Cool. Make sure the temperature set point (the smaller of the two numbers) is lower than the indoor temperature (the large number in the center of the screen).
- Check the circuit breaker or fuse that’s connected to your heating or cooling system and turn it on if it’s switched off.
- Make sure the power switch at the heating or cooling system is on.
- Make sure the furnace door is closed securely.
- After making these changes, wait 5 minutes for the system to respond

The photocell turns your coach lights and address light on at dusk and off at dawn.
If all of the coach lights and address light are not working, your photocell might need to be replaced.
You may need to consult with a licensed electrician to replace it.
The photocell sensor is located on the utility side of the house where you will find your gas meter and electrical panel.
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You will find your warranty information on the USB flash drive that you received during your New Home Orientation.
You will find numerous maintenance guides and tips on the USB flash drive you received at the homeownerorientation walk.